Sponsorship Options
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we rely on support from sponsors to provide our helpline, resource guides and educational programs for older adults and caregivers across Middle Tennessee.
To explore how your company can partner with AgeWell in embracing aging and enhancing our community, please contact us at 615.353.4235.
To see our current funders and sponsors, visit Our Sponsors
Sage Awards
The Sage Awards, presented each year since 1992, are given to mature adults who have made outstanding contributions to Middle Tennessee through a lifelong commitment to working to improve the quality of life in their communities. Approximately 400 supporters of the honorees and AgeWell attend the luncheon. We offer sponsorship opportunities ranging from $500-$25,000 to help you reach your target market along with hospitality benefits.
Directory of Services
Advertising in The Directory of Services provides a two-year opportunity. Both with the ad itself and in how your organization maximizes the copies you are given for distribution. The directory is recognized by professionals and referral agencies as one of their most referenced sources. Sponsors are given the exclusive benefit to distribute copies to clients and referral agencies directly with the opportunity of adding a customized label to the cover for additional brand recognition.
Co-Branded Materials
Co-branding guidebooks, resource guides, and other materials tie your image with our image. These materials are distributed throughout Middle TN and are free of charge.
Examples of Co-Branded Materials
Aging and Caring: A Guide for Families and Caregivers. Caregivers can receive a complimentary copy of Aging & Caring: A Guide for Families & Caregivers© thanks to support from Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law.