Resources for Older Adults, Family Caregivers & Professionals
Need Help? A Friendly Voice is Available!
Call the AgeWell Helpline at (615) 353-4235
to ask questions about services and community resources for older adults and caregivers.
Our Helpline is available Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm.
The resources below are free to you! Please contact us for a print copy.
Directory of Services
Search The Directory of Services©, a one-stop impartial resource for older adults, caregivers, and professionals.
Roobrik Care Navigation Tool
Use our online tool Roobrik a free, 5-minute survey that provides a personalized report with your “best fit” care options.
Caregiving Guidebooks
Aging & Caring, Empowering Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, and Preparing and Planning for Life’s Final Chapter.
Scam Prevention
Everyday a new scam surfaces aimed at older adults. The best defensive strategy is knowledge and awareness of criminal behavior.