Our Team

Our Staff and Board are passionate about reimagining aging and addressing unmet needs to ensure we can all age well.

We invite you to join us in supporting AgeWell as a trusted resource, a catalyst for solutions, and a champion for older adults and family caregivers.

Our Staff

Our Board


Our Board of Directors are passionate about aging well and provide strong governance, strategic planning and guidance, and support in fulfilling our mission.

RESET Launch Event - Grace Smith with Board Members, Sharon Dean & Cathy Hunt

AgeWell Giving Day with Board Members, Lindsey Sexton, Elizabeth Moss & Brooke Coplon

Lindsey Sexton, Christopher Puri & Grace Smith

Lindsey Sexton, Tennessee State Trial Courts-Judicial Law Clerk

Brooke Coplon, DaVita Kidney Care
Vice President

Andrew Foley, Lumata Health

Cathy Hunt, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center

Nancy Conway, Williamson, Inc.
Past President

Christine Bradley, community volunteer

Caroline Chamberlain, community volunteer

Shaundra Davis, TN Dept. of Correction

Sharon Dean, community volunteer

Jennifer Kim, DNP, GNP-BC, GS-C, Vanderbilt School of Nursing

Luke Langlinais, PhD, Belmont University

Vanita Lytle-Sherrill, community volunteer

Sara McNally, MHA, HCA

Elizabeth Moss, LPN, The ART of Care

Emily Weaver, Bridgestone Americas

Kathy Zamata, community volunteer