All for Antioch! Initiative


All for Antioch Collaboration

Starting in late 2020, AgeWell worked with members of our Leadership Council, The West End Home Foundation, and The Branch of Nashville to address needs in a culturally diverse and underserved area of southeast Nashville - Antioch.

We convened partner organizations including the Community Resource Center, Greater Nashville Regional Council, FiftyForward, Catholic Charities, Ascension/St. Thomas, Siloam Health, Nashville Food Project, and Friends of Mill Ridge Park. After surveying older residents, we worked together to improve outreach and enhance food and healthcare access, leisure activities, and transportation.

While we're no longer meeting as a group, this collaborative effort led to the creation of a COVID-19 Resource Guide for Older Adults with 3,000 copies in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Kurdish distributed to older adults in “senior kits” in partnership with the Community Resource Center. FiftyForward and The Branch of Nashville increased their food security efforts to help more older residents, and Friends of Mill Ridge Park continues to create intergenerational programs and recreational spaces. We applaud these and other organizations serving the Antioch area that remain committed to enhancing livability and prioritizing older adults and their families.


Transportation Initiatives